Terms & Conditions

These are the terms and conditions for the certain areas of dressagehorsetraining.com website that are outlined to protect both you and us from any possible problems.

Company Information

Dressagehorsetraining.com is part of Bornz Limited which is a registered company in New Zealand, and as such, is governed by New Zealand laws. Any losses that arise cannot exceed the amount that was paid for services provided.

Company address:

Bornz Limited

17e Nga Parae Road,
New Zealand

Contact Details

Use the chat box on the website to contact us.

Program Access

You will have 12 months access to the purchased program on the website. At the end of this time we will give you options to download the videos for you to keep, or you will have the option to order a USB Drive containing the complete program also.

Device Usage & Password Sharing

We are able to track how many devices are logging into the website and whether password sharing is occurring. Please do not share your login details with friends in order to access the program, we reserve the right to remove access entirely if we find this to be occurring. But we know you will be fair and considerate :).

Returns and Refunds Policy

We have a 30 Day money back policy, where we will return your money no questions asked. We want you to be really happy with what you are receiving.

If at any stage you as cardholder would like to terminate your membership from any subscription-based product, you may do so from the admin section of the specific membership. A link will be provided where you may be given the option to unsubscribe and cancel any further payments. Alternatively you can contact us via the chatbox on the website and ask us to do this for you.
(Note that right now, there is no subscription-based product available).

Customer Service

For all customer service, you may contact us at any stage by the following means:

Use the chat box on the website to contact us. We will reply to you within 24 hours.

Please note: “Foreverfit.tv” may appear on any cardholder statements for payments made through this website.

By using the Dressagehorsetraining.com website you agree with these Terms and Conditions.

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Would you like to watch one full lesson from Vanessa?

Create a free account and this will unlock Vanessa's most popular video lesson in the playlist.
Then you can see Vanessa's teaching style and how it all works.


Would you like to watch one full lesson from Jody?

Create a free account and this will unlock Jody's most popular video lesson in the playlist.
Then you can see Jody's teaching style and how it all works.